Ricardy’s Platform

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To ensure that Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) equitably serves all students, I will initially focus on the following priorities:


implement the vision of one fairfax

I want to make One Fairfax a reality for Mason Kids by equitably equipping our teachers and staff with needed resources to facilitate the delivery of personalized and individualized instruction to students in 21st century facilities. We must stop the practice of asking our PTAs/PTOs to provide funding for essential resources and services to schools. We must establish the expectations that research based and effective strategies will be provided at all schools across the county.

protect needs-based staffing

We must ensure Title I and other needs-based funding are aligned with Mason District needs.

increase Teacher and Staff Compensation

Teacher quality significantly impacts student achievement. We must invest in our teachers and in our facilities to provide the students of Mason District with quality learning experiences. We must ensure adequate staffing to prevent irresponsible student ratios, especially in high-needs areas.

Professional development and support for teachers

To retain the best and most talented staff in FCPS, we should employ proven methods to support teacher development and growth, such as a Peer Assistance Review Program.


adjust Middle School Start times

The Fairfax County School Board successfully adjusted high school start times to better align with educational and sleep research recommendations. To achieve this goal our middle school students and teachers were impacted with even earlier start times. I am committed to working with parents, administrators, and transportation professionals to ensure that FCPS adheres to the school start time recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Centers for Disease Control.