
School Board Member Ricardy Anderson on Why She’s Running for Reelection

I want to continue my work on the FCPS School Board because I understand the needs of the Mason District.  As a parent of two students in FCPS, I have a first-hand account of the issues facing our schools.

Since my time on the Board, I have led efforts to:

 * Initiate a review of why only Mason District middle schools include grade 6 – a review that had not occurred in over 30 years;
* Secure administrative needs-based staffing;
* Reduce overcrowding at Glen Forest Elementary School;
* Provide recess for middle school students to allow for a much-needed mental health break during their school day;
* Establish collective bargaining for FCPS employees;
* Fight for changes in the admissions process at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, to open opportunities for all exceptional students regardless of zip code or income; and much more.

However, there is so much work left to do, especially since the pandemic forced a pivot to other matters.  But with your help, I hope to continue to:

* Fight for Equity: regardless of the current narrative in some circles – equity is not, nor should it be, a divisive term. It’s imperative for Mason District students that equity remains at the forefront of FCPS decision-making. 
* Advocate for needs-based allocation of resources in all areas: staffing, facilities and much more!

I look forward to continuing to stand up for Mason!!!

Ricardy Anderson
Fairfax County School Board Member-Mason District 

Vote & Get Involved

Early voting continues through November 4 at 16 locations throughout Fairfax County.

Election Day is November 7, 2023; on Election Day, we will vote at our regular polling location. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Visit www.fairfaxvotes.org for information on voting locations and who will be on your ballot.

Since 2022, eligible Virginians can register to vote up until and on election day or change the address where they are registered. In some cases, voters will cast a provisional ballot. For more information, visit the Virginia Department of Elections website.


Volunteer opportunities

Interested in volunteering or hosting a fundraiser? We’d love to hear from you! Click the button below to reach our contact information.

Make a Donation

Support Ricardy and our mission to make public schools better for all students by making a donation to our campaign! Your money helps to ensure a better future for all of Fairfax’s students.